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What should I do with my baby’s cord blood?

Cord blood is the blood collected from the umbilical cord and placenta after a baby is born. It is a rich source of stem cells and can be stored for future use. These are the options available in Singapore that you can consider for cord blood:

Private Cord Blood Banking: You can choose to store your baby’s cord blood in a private cord blood bank for personal use. This way, it can be preserved for potential future use by your child or family members. Private cord blood banking involves a fee for collection, processing, and storage.

Public Cord Blood Donation: Another option is to donate your baby’s cord blood to the Singapore Cord Blood Bank. The Singapore Cord Blood Bank is Singapore’s only public cord blood bank that collects, processes and stores donated umbilical cord blood for use in stem cell transplants. Its cord blood units may be searched for use by qualifying transplant centers around the world. This option allows your cord blood to potentially help others who require stem cell therapy.

Here are some considerations on whether you wish to opt for cord blood storage:

Medical History: Assess your family’s medical history to determine if there are any hereditary conditions or diseases that could potentially benefit from cord blood stem cell therapy. Consult with your healthcare provider to understand the potential uses and benefits of cord blood storage based on your specific situation.

Cost: Private cord blood banking involves upfront costs for collection, processing, and long-term storage. Research different cord blood banking facilities to compare prices and consider the financial implications. Make sure you are comfortable with the ongoing fees associated with storage.

Quality and Accreditation: Look for a reputable and accredited cord blood bank. Accreditation ensures that the bank follows industry standards and best practices for collection, processing, and storage. Consider factors such as the bank’s track record, storage facility infrastructure, and experience in the field.

Collection and Transportation: Find out the process of collecting and transporting the cord blood. Ensure that the bank provides a reliable and convenient method for collection at the time of delivery. It’s essential to understand the logistics and requirements to ensure a smooth process.

Storage Duration: Determine the duration for which the cord blood will be stored. Some banks offer storage for a fixed number of years, while others provide options for long-term storage. Consider your needs and preferences for the duration of storage.

Potential Future Use: Consider the likelihood of needing the cord blood in the future. While the chances may be relatively low, storing cord blood may provide peace of mind for some families. Evaluate the potential benefits and risks based on your individual circumstances.

Alternatives: Research alternative sources of stem cells, such as bone marrow or peripheral blood, for potential future medical treatments. Understand the differences and advantages of cord blood stem cells compared to other options.

It’s important to note that the decision about what to do with cord blood is a personal one and should be based on your family’s medical history, preferences, and budget. It’s recommended to discuss the options with your healthcare provider and conduct thorough research on cord blood banking services to make an informed decision.

To find a list of cord blood storage options in Singapore, visit our Mummamumtras Directory.

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